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Online therapy and more

Psychotherapy and other services, such as psychological assessment and counselling, can be offered online. The quality of the online meeting is not the same as face-to-face, but there are some advantages:

  • accessibility: you can connect from wherever you are (home, hotel room, etc.), of course it needs to be a private environment
  • home comfort: if you connect from home, you may feel more at ease, wearing more comfortable clothes and seating on your favourite chair or sofa
  • time: you can save the time for travelling and you can more easily fit your appointment around your schedule
  • cost: while you save time travelling, you can also save on the costs for it
  • greater insights: to be in your home may help me to notice more of the way you are at home and relate to your own environment

It is also possible to have neuropsychological assessment and interventions online. I follow the Home Assessment Model for tele-neuropsychology developed in the UK. In terms of interventions, a virtual model for Cognitive Stimulation Therapy has been developed by the International Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) Centre at University College London, and other projects such as Tandem developed by Prof. Inzaghi.

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