Webinar recorded on 15/06/2024 h15.00-18.00
The natural process of growing older implies changes at multiple levels in a heterogeneous way. Physically, our experience changes sometimes smoothly, other times abruptly. Our bodies change in terms of functionality but also aesthetically, thus our sense of self and body image need to adjust to a new aesthetic form. Most of us, if not all, detest this aspect of ageing, and this is confirmed by the massive growth of the aesthetic industry which is expected to almost double by 2028, particularly for requests made by women. It seems that for many ageing is not acceptable, it is viewed negatively and therefore needs to be hidden from our and others’ eyes. Scientific results suggest that body dissatisfaction may be related to low self-esteem, low mood, and social disengagement.
The webinar aims to provide theoretical inputs from a Gestalt psychotherapy perspective and explore personal experiences related to the aesthetics of ageing and changes in body image. There will be space to creatively investigate personal processes and therapeutic work around this theme.